© 2017 by Addy Paes & Rob Pons

To live
Life in Bali is wonderful. The culture, nature and of course the weather make it a special island. The number of tourists is growing every year to a record high, especially in the southern coastal region. Fortunately, you will also find the traditional places in Bali. There is always a ceremony, with offerings, priests and where the people are beautifully dressed.
After a number of years we have now found our way and shaped our social life. Not quite like in Leiden, but that will come. We play bridge again every week and we do a quiz every week with a group. Everyone takes a turn to answer the quiz questions. We do a lot ourselves in the garden and that gives a lot of satisfaction.

Living: Villa Penari
In July 2009 we moved to Bali after thorough preparation. After living in the Netherlands for about 50 years, we wanted to try our luck in a warmer country.
We have found our place in Ubud in Bali. After living in a rented house for a year, we found our home: Villa Penari (dancer). Named after the painting we bought from a painter at Senang Hati.;
We have deliberately chosen Ubud, because we prefer the view of the rice fields to the waves of the sea.

To give
From the moment we decided to move to Bali, we also thought about giving something back to the people here. We have looked for a foundation that is active here for people who are much less fortunate: Yayasan Bhakti Senang Hati.
In the Netherlands we gave a farewell party and asked everyone to contribute to the foundation. Sandra Reemer hosted the party and the Sandra Reemer Foundation has also made a contribution. This was the beginning and in the meantime we have been able to do something for Senang Hati with small and large contributions.